
Friday, August 16, 2013

Lieutenant Slayman Returns to Fire Suppression Duties

(Brevard County, Fla.) - Lieutenant Don Slayman, the previous Public Information Officer for Brevard County Fire Rescue, has returned to normal fire suppression / EMS duties.  Lieutenant Slayman rotated back to the field last month.  BCFR is in the process of finalizing the details in regards to the new Public Information Officer and those details will be shared as soon as they are confirmed.

In the interim, the media may contact Lt. Slayman via email or twitter for any updates, questions, etc.  He may be reached at

We apologize for any inconveniences during this transition period.

By: Lieutenant Don Slayman


Monday, August 12, 2013

Prescribed Burn in Valkaria for Tuesday, August 13, 2013.

(Brevard County, Fla.) - A 100-acre prescribed fire in Valkaria, south of the airport, is planned for Tuesday, August 13th between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Prescribed fire involves the careful application of fire by professionals under specific weather and fuel conditions to achieve environmental resource management goals.  Benefits include reduction of wildfire risk, habitat restoration and the recycling of nutrients back into the soil.

By: Lieutenant Don Slayman
